Designer Group Total - Paste Values (?)

Lisa Callahan
Lisa Callahan Member, Infor Partner Posts: 11

Is there a 'paste values' or something equivalent in Designer? I have a calculated column in the detail band that gives a count based on a percentage, but since you cannot sum percentages - or do any aggregations with percentages - I am at a loss as to how to show just the sum of the count in the footer.

For example, the pink number below should be 2 instead of 3 -

To get into the weeds, the formula in the CNT column is this -

[Employee Effective From: # Distinct Employee Key]*(SavedExpression('AA Minority Goals')/100)

and the SavedExpression 'AA Minority Goals' is this -

Thank you,



  • CindyHoskey
    CindyHoskey Member Posts: 4

    Hi, Lisa

    If you hold the Control key then click on the box with the expression and drag it down to the footer band then drop it, it will do the calculation on the sum of each part of the expression rather than on the individual line items. In my experience, percentages calculate correctly if it's done in this way.

    - Cindy

  • Lisa Callahan
    Lisa Callahan Member, Infor Partner Posts: 11

    That is my go to as well but because the saved expression used percentages, that does not work. I really don't think this is even a deliverable since the percentages in the detail add up to over 100% anyway.