IDM - MM480PF decimal rounding of user defined fields different from OIS199PF

Good day,

When i generate a packing list it rounds all the lines to 2 decimal places.
When i generate the invoice, i do get the full 3 decimals.

I have setup some user defined fields in OOLINE: OBUDN1/OBUDN2
we use them for gross and net weight of the order line.
I've added the fields to the XML of the printer files MMS480PF - packing list, and to the one in the OIS199PF - invoice.

They have identical setup as far as i can see…
I checked al options i could think of, from CMS005 to CMS009, CRS109, and of course my word template.

but when i look in the XML output from MNS270, it confirms that the rounding happens prior to the IDM output as it is already present in the XML File.

the user defined field OBUDN1 is setup as a 3 decimal field.
the information in the order line has 3 decimals.

The end result means that my invoice and my packing list have a mismatch on the weights, which is of course a problem… any idea where the problem could be coming from..?
