At Beredo we've done a lot of H5 app development and have noticed that Infor's tooling struggles to keep up to date with angular and requires a lot of modifications to a standard angular project. We started playing with the idea of building something ourselves to remedy this and have come a long ways.
The basic idea is two libraries: 1. ngx-ion-client: A HttpClient based service for communicating with M3 and ION, with support for bulk API requests and V2 of the api.
2. H5 Tools:
2a. Login - A login service that makes it easier to shift between environments. Also, use the local webbrowser instead of packaging chromium
2b. Proxy - Use standard proxy (webpack or vite, depending on version), with the ability to refresh access tokes if a refresh token is present.
2c. Package - A replacement for odin build, the biggest difference here is it handles the how "base href" is is setup in the index.html file. Other potential improvements are better packaging of external fonts, like font-awesome, which doesn't really work in H5.
Our goal it so stay aligned with major angular versions as soon as they are released, and to provide this a sort of "drop in" replacement, as far as we can go with that.
Is there any interest in this sort of effort? We are close to being to open source this, but we just wanted to check with the Infor developer community, since it would of course require adoption and testing to get it to a very usable state.