2025-01-15 20:17:02,761+0000 INFO - Finished ST_ICSEU_CS
2025-01-15 20:17:02,818+0000 INFO - Loading directly from script output - ICSEU_CS.txt.tmp
2025-01-15 20:17:02,828+0000 INFO - Bulk loading staging table ST_ICSEU_CS from source file C:/Birst1/Production/[CUSTOMER_PRD-SX-Source]/data/ICSEU_CS.txt.tmp
2025-01-15 20:17:03,670+0000 INFO - Successfully loaded ST_ICSEU_CS
2025-01-15 20:17:03,671+0000 INFO - Deleting ICSEU_CS.txt.tmp
2025-01-15 20:17:03,674+0000 INFO - Deleting ICSEU_CS.txt.tmp.format
2025-01-15 20:17:03,679+0000 INFO - Logging step LoadStaging [ST_ICSWU_CS] for processingGroup [400-IC_CS] for iteration 2, status Running
2025-01-15 20:17:03,683+0000 INFO - Starting LoadStaging [ST_ICSWU_CS] for processingGroup [400-IC_CS]
2025-01-15 20:17:03,692+0000 INFO - Starting ST_ICSWU_CS
2025-01-15 20:17:03,697+0000 INFO - Logging step LoadStaging [ACORN] for processingGroup [400-IC_CS] for iteration 2, status Running
2025-01-15 20:17:03,701+0000 INFO - Starting LoadStaging [ACORN] for processingGroup [400-IC_CS]
2025-01-15 20:17:03,709+0000 INFO - Staging table ST_icswu already loaded successfully for load id =2, for load group ACORN. This step will not be repeated.
2025-01-15 20:17:03,713+0000 INFO - Logging step LoadStaging [ACORN] for processingGroup [400-IC_CS] for iteration 2, status Running
2025-01-15 20:17:03,717+0000 INFO - Starting LoadStaging [ACORN] for processingGroup [400-IC_CS]
2025-01-15 20:17:03,720+0000 INFO - Staging table ST_txt__ICSWU already loaded successfully for load id =2, for load group ACORN. This step will not be repeated.
2025-01-15 20:55:28,127+0000 INFO - Processing script: ST_ICSWU_CS
2025-01-15 20:55:28,127+0000 INFO - Rows read from db in previous interval: 0, Total records read from db: 0, waiting for script execution: 0(Work queue capacity: 100), threads to execute script: 0(max: 1, active: 0), script execution completed: 0, waiting to be written to file: 0(Write Queue Capacity: 15189)
2025-01-15 20:55:28,134+0000 ERROR - Script halted. SQL Exception com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: An error occurred during the current command (Done status 0). Cannot continue the execution because the session is in the kill state.
2025-01-15 20:55:28,141+0000 ERROR - Script halted at record 0 com.successmetricsinc.transformation.ScriptException: Script halted. Bad query. Please examine your query and contact Birst support if needed.
2025-01-15 20:55:30,166+0000 ERROR - Exception (line: -1) Script halted at record 0 (Script halted. Bad query. Please examine your query and contact Birst support if needed.) com.successmetricsinc.transformation.ScriptException: Script halted at record 0 (Script halted. Bad query. Please examine your query and contact Birst support if needed.)
2025-01-15 20:55:30,169+0000 INFO - Logging step LoadStaging [ST_ICSWU_CS] for processingGroup [400-IC_CS] for iteration 2, status ScriptFailure
2025-01-15 20:55:30,177+0000 ERROR - Script halted at record 0 (Script halted. Bad query. Please examine your query and contact Birst support if needed.) java.lang.Exception: Script halted at record 0 (Script halted. Bad query. Please examine your query and contact Birst support if needed.)
2025-01-15 20:55:30,178+0000 INFO - Logging step LoadStaging [ACORN] for processingGroup [400-IC_CS] for iteration 2, status Failed
2025-01-15 20:55:30,185+0000 INFO - Elapsed Time = 40 minutes, 14 seconds for: LoadStaging
2025-01-15 20:55:30,188+0000 INFO - Elapsed Time = 0 minutes, 0 seconds for: ErrorContinuePoint
2025-01-15 20:55:30,198+0000 INFO - Logging step ExecuteScriptGroup [ACORN] for iteration 2, status Running
2025-01-15 20:55:30,201+0000 INFO - Starting ExecuteScriptGroup [ACORN]
2025-01-15 20:55:30,202+0000 WARN - Empty script group: There are no scripts defined in script group ACORN
2025-01-15 20:55:30,203+0000 INFO - Logging step ExecuteScriptGroup [ACORN] for iteration 2, status Complete
2025-01-15 20:55:30,209+0000 INFO - Finished ExecuteScriptGroup [ACORN]
2025-01-15 20:55:30,210+0000 INFO - Elapsed Time = 0 minutes, 0 seconds for: ExecuteScriptGroup
2025-01-15 20:55:30,213+0000 INFO - Elapsed Time = 0 minutes, 0 seconds for: ErrorContinuePoint
2025-01-15 20:55:30,215+0000 INFO - Logging step LoadMarker [ACORN] for iteration 2, status Complete
2025-01-15 20:55:30,219+0000 INFO - Finished LoadMarker [ACORN]
2025-01-15 20:55:30,220+0000 INFO - Elapsed Time = 0 minutes, 0 seconds for: LoadMarker
2025-01-15 20:55:30,246+0000 INFO - Elapsed Time = 0 minutes, 0 seconds for: Copy
2025-01-15 20:55:30,250+0000 INFO - Elapsed Time = 0 minutes, 0 seconds for: Touch
2025-01-15 20:55:30,257+0000 INFO - Elapsed Time = 0 minutes, 0 seconds for: Del
2025-01-15 20:55:30,263+0000 INFO - Elapsed Time = 0 minutes, 0 seconds for: Del
I am having an issue with the Initial Extract Workflow for CSD. I am hoping someone can help me out but probably need to go to support. I am able to see data in the Raw ICSWU table, but I am unable to see any data in the scripted ICSWU. When I try to execute the script, I end up getting the below screenshot. Seems to timeout at 5 minutes exactly and not give me any logs. The above log is from the publishing.log file.