I have a data flow that starts from IMS receiving a file.
Is there a way to identify what environment it is (DEV, TST, etc)?
Hi Kirill, There is a quota for this API. 10 calls per 10 seconds. You can get the tenant ID using other APIs. As an example an IFS API that returns the tenantid: "/usermgt/v2/users/oidcuserinfo"
Kind regards, Danil.
Hi Kirill, Can you tell me a little bit more about your integration? When you send an IMS message do you know to which tenant you send it? If yes, then you can use a custom header to send the Tenant name or any other information.
A 3rd party application sends JSONs to IMS.
Unfortunately we can't make any changes on that app side.
I put environment in ION Codes and use IONCERVICES API call to retrieve the value.
But on high volume of data I get API throttling error.
Response message : Too Many Requests
Error: Quota exceeded for service
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.