Circle diagram expression Infor Birst
Im currently creating a circle diagram that splits the planned receipt dates for order line in days (Monday to friday). It sees it correctly except its counting the day number instead of just one per order line. For example if an order is planned for 30/01/2025 it shows the right day but gives it the value 30 in the circle diagram. How can I fix it to add just one per found order line?
Current Measure: DatePart(Weekday, [Purchase Order Line.Planned Receipt Date])
Hi Binck,
One straightforward way should be by changing the type of Aggregation for your Custom Measure. But I think what you want is different than this. I guess you're trying to measure the number of orders per weekday. Then you'd better off by defining an Attribute by your expression (either in a Prepared Source or as a Custom Attribute in BQL, e.g. in Visualizer) and counting something else as a Measure. I'd go for the Order Quantity, by selecting Count as the Aggregation. No Custom Measure.
BTW, there is a specific forum for Birst - if you post there, you have a better chance to be answered by knowledgeable people.