I see this often where the DataLake will have XX number of records for a table, but IONETL provides XX - 1.
I'll re-run the translation and no new records are downloaded. I'll truncate the local table and re-run the translation and the count is still the same, smaller than the record count in the DataLake.
The only way I have found to reconcile is to purge the DataLake table, reset the replication table, replicate, and run the translation.
Some of these tables are in the tens of millions and frankly I'm getting tired of working every night fixing these issues. I'll get them reconciled and the next day different tables come up unreconciled.
I've attached a couple of screen shots from a small table that is one record off. I've also attached the report I create each time I run the translations, showing what tables are off.
Any help would be appreciated.