I am encountering a persistent error, "No images found for custom algorithm," across multiple custom algorithms in the Quest Flow during Train Model stage . Has anyone encountered same issue? Or knows the potential cause of it?
The error message in not providing anything useful.
Also you don't really reveal much information.
Is your image-source: IDM, the WEB, …?
Can you manually find the requested?
Can you debug your code?
Can you share some more?
@pijpema Thank you for the reply. Please find answer following
Is your image-source: IDM, the WEB, …? - That is what wonder me about this error. Becuase logic I have created is for tabular data processing only. No image data or images used.
Can you manually find the requested? - Following model is created and it is deployed correctly and ready to use in quest Model is able to read csv values and provding correct data in playbook tab of Jupyter tab as well. (Refer second image)
When I try to use this cutom algorithm and run the quest flow to train model with custom alogoithm then it is giving an error of "images not found for custom algorithm" But when I am not using any image even for my train.py and predicator.py script which images this error is referring I am not sure. As you can see in following image when I use standard algroithm XGBoost then it is working fine. But I tried three differnt custom algorithm all of them are sucefully deployed but when used in Quest flow to train model they give same error.