I just came over from the old communities. Hopefully this is the correct place to post this (simple) question.
I previously had a working test where i have a document loaded to IDM and an activation policy kicks in and sends it to me for approval. It worked ok and i was getting the task but i could not get the updated approval to write back to IDM with the update. I did think about just calling the IDM update item endpoint with the details but assumed beacuse i kicked this off from IDM then when the workflow completed it should update correctly. (May be wrong here)
So I then followed the written details on the "Simple PO Status" example on here for sending out a document for approval via a workflow to see what I was missing but every time I add a Simple PO Document and try to manually start the workflow from IDM (even without activation policy) it fails with the error
"No destination found for message xxxxxxx" in OneView and I do not even get the task to approve.
Any ideas what is missing? I also saw the video and this didn't help me.
Of course I have now messed about with the origianl one that was working and managed to break that too.
Any assistance is appreciated.