Drillbacks won't work from Birst

Enrico Menotti
Enrico Menotti Member Posts: 56

I have drillbacks to LN working from LN Analytics. I was now trying to do the same in a new Birst Space, but they don't work. I tried opening the LN Analytics Consumer Space from Birst instead than by the LN Analytics app, and the drillbacks don't work this way. Why?

(Note that I go to both Birst and LN Analytics from the Portal. So I am logged in as a OS User, that's not the issue.)

Best Answer

  • Enrico Menotti
    Enrico Menotti Member Posts: 56
    Answer ✓

    I have solved the problem by myself. First, the solution: go to OS → Portal → Applications and Add application. Select "Infor non-provisioned" and choose, as Application, any of the available Birst alternatives (in our portal we have Birst 1.0.0, 5.30 and 5.33, but they all seem to yield the same result). Name and LID are arbitrary. The Hostname may be found by going into Birst in Admin → SAML Configuration and looking at the SP-initiated Single Sign-On URL at the bottom; in my case this URL is https://app2103.eu1.birst.com/SAMLSSO/… and the Hostname will be "app2103.eu1.birst.com".

    In the Custom parameters of the application, set birst.idpid as it is set for the Birst app (and the LN Analytics app). The same GUID is found at the end of the SP-initiated SSO URL mentioned above.

    Set birst.spaceid to the ID of the Space you want to go into. This is found from Birst in Admin → Space Management → Space Properties at the top of the General tab.

    Now the trick: Add a Custom parameter with Name "isWithinMingle" and Value "True". At this point, if you open the new App (please first reload the browser page…) you get directly into the dashboards of the selected Space and drillbacks do work.

    How did I find that out: Chrome options → More tools → Developer tools, Network tab. Open Birst and look at the URL called by Chrome in the network logs. Then open LN Analytics and do the same. Compare the two URLs, specifically the parameters after the question mark. There you go, the "isWithingMingle=True" parameter looks promising, and indeed does the trick.

    Hope this may be helpful to somebody.
